Friday, December 13, 2013

Research Blog #10


            Is technology making the students of today more proficient or is the intelligence of students today suffering? The idea of technology has long been debated on whether it is hurting or helping young adults of today. As there is more and more different technological devices developed, some students are using them for the wrong purposes, and it is taking the attention away from other important aspects of their education. There are many aspects that both support technology as an aid for educating, but also elements that surely inhibit and negatively affect the students of today.

Works Cited
Carle, Adam, David Jaffee, and Deborah Miller. "Engaging College Science Students and Changing Academic Achievement with Technology: A Quasi-Experimental Preliminary Investigation." Computers & Education (2008): 376-80. Print.
Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" The Atlantic. N.p., 1 July 2008. Web. 5 Nov. 2013. <>.
Jones, Steve, Camille Johnson-Yale, and Sarah Millermaier. "The Internet and Higher Education." Academic Work os 11.3-4 (2008): 165-77. Print.
Kobus, Martijn, Piet Rietveld, and Jos Van Ommeren. "Ownership Versus On-Campus use of Mobile IT Devices by University Students." Computers & Education 68.10 (2013): 29-41. Print.
Moreno, Megan, MD, and Jennifer Kolb, MD. "Social Networking Sites and Adolescent Health." Pediatric Clinics of North America 59.3 (2012): 601-12. Print.
Paul, Jomon, Hope Baker, and Justin Cochran. "Effect of Online Social Networking on Student Academic Performance." Computers in Human Behavior 28.6 (2012): 2117-27. Print.
Roblyer. "Findings on Facebook in Higher Education: A Comparison of College Faculty and Student Uses and Perceptions of Social Networking Sites." Internet and Higher Education (2010): 134-40. Print.
Turan, Husan Tinmaz, and Yuksel Goktas. "The Reasons for Non-Use of Social Networking Websites by University Students." Comunicar 2.4 (2013): 137-46. Print.
Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Print.
Valentine, Barbara. "Teens and Their Technologies in College: Implications for Teaching and Learning." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 34 (2008): 502-12. Print.

Literature Review #5

Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Print. 

            In this novel, Turkle describes how people of this day and age are losing touch with one another, and are no longer having the same connections with one another compared to generations prior. People are beginning to lose sight of basic “reality” and are completely submersed in their online lives and are more focused on making the shallow online connections, rather than making and sustaining real life connections with the people who surround us. She is depicting how technology is slowly but surely taking over the lives of much of society, and if this continues there will no longer be the simple sense of basic communication.
            Sherry Turkle is a professor at MIT and studied at Harvard University. Her novel, Alone Together, has gotten rave reviews and she was even featured on a segment of TED Talks. Turkle was also featured on an episode of the Colbert Report, and her extensive knowledge regarding society and technology is clear throughout her writing.
            Turkle seems to key in on the idea of connectedness, and is constantly comparing the idea of real authentic personable relationships, compared to the altering idea of apparent “relationships” online. Although both have the element of connectivity, personable and authentic real-life relationships are far more valuable that the idea of being interconnected via the Internet.
            She also brings up the idea of the basic conversation. Conversations are no longer held over the phone or over coffee, people attempt to receive and output their information as fast and as easily as possible, and it is unfamiliar and senseless, when it is necessary to get updates on friends and families lives through reading a status, email or even a text message. People are no longer valuing the aspect of communication, and many people are falling victim to the feelings of loneliness due to their complete and utter cut off from society through technology.
            “For a start, is presumes certain entitlements: it can absent itself from the physical surround-including the people in it. It can experience the physical and virtual in near simultaneity. And it is able to make more time by multitasking, our twenty-first century alchemy” (Turkle 155).
“This is the experience of living full time on the Net, newly free in some ways, newly yoked in others. We are all cyborgs now”  (Turkle)
“I believe that in our culture of stimulation, the notion of authenticity is for us what sex was for the Victorians- threat and obsession, taboo and fascination” (Turkle 266).

            This article helped me explore my research question because it posed a threat to how too much technology could be dangerous to society. With technology all around us, it is important to only take key elements into the classroom, so students are not completely bombarded and shut down from the overload of technology that we have in our world today.

Literature Review #4

Valentine, Barbara. "Teens and Their Technologies in College: Implications for 
     Teaching and Learning." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 34 (2008): 
     502-12. Print.

            This article depicts many different aspects regarding the integration of technology and social media into the classroom. For example, the article gives statistics and studies with results on the usage of the Internet and different devices used by both high school and college students in order to complete their homework or other work revolving around their education. It also gives data observing the daily usage of young adults not only using the internet strictly for research, but also their leisure activities online.
            Barbara Valentine, the main researcher in this piece, is a librarian and researcher at Linfield College. She focuses her studies on how students conduct their behaviors in finding certain elements of research, and by being a librarian at a university, clearly aids and understands first hand how many students do so.
            This article was very focused on the idea of surveys, and Valentine used many different attributes of surveys in order to conduct her research. Therefore, it was a key element to this piece, and in order to collect data for her article it was necessary for students to input their own recordings.
            Another key term was the word device. Valentine compared the use of devices back in 2008 when people needed to have many separate devices because they were all not put together as one like they are in the present. Again, through the use of surveys, Valentine determined many different attributes regarding the use of these devices, by the division of sex, age, and even educational status.
“…Many instructors feel compelled to update traditional pedagogies in order to take advantage of new teaching and learning opportunities” (Valentine 502).
            “99% of college students had access to at least one computer in their room, dorm, or off campus home, but 84% said they also used computers at campus labs and the libraries” (Valentine 504).

            “While engaging in school work, college students searched the web more often while high school students more frequently used Wikipedia and television” (Valentine 510).
            This article had much value because it was interesting to see how although it was only roughly 5 years ago that this article was published much has changed within the element of technology. It was interesting to compare the data collected within this article with the data of other more current articles to see how vast and quickly the world is changing through technology.